Art and Architecture dialogue with Nature

The project

A place that embraces two souls

On the Pistoia Apennines, inside the splendid Oasi Dynamo, OCA Oasy Contemporary Art was born, a place that already encapsulates, in the name it bears, its two souls: that of a naturalistic oasis and that of a space for contemporary art and architecture.

OCA intends to be a cultural laboratory, where not only visual arts but a multiplicity of disciplines and actors find space. The project thus aims to be a place for reflection, research and regeneration, calling to act and relate to each other in a transversal way, scientists, philosophers, artists, architects, anthropologists, poets, writers.
Here art integrates with nature, with the place that hosts it, and awaits the visitor at the end of a path, to propose a new world, to be discovered and created together. In harmony with the territory of the reserve, Art Director Emanuele Montibeller proposes an experiential path in nature that enriches the enjoyment of the landscape through exhibitions and environmental installations, which dialogue with nature itself.
The words of artistic director Emanuele Montibeller

How will we inhabit the world?

Living is more than living inside a place: it is making it our home, in the sense of shelter, of protection, but also of human relations. Those who have a home have their own identity and a specific place in society. If by home we mean the whole world, we understand well how the environmental issue-which today has fortunately come to the forefront of public opinion with great urgency-cannot be only about the environment in the strict sense. It becomes a cultural, anthropological and social issue. It is on this reasoning that the OCA project rests its foundation. It is an ambitious project, which, starting from a place that is only apparently peripheral, intends to make it a metaphor for the entire planet. It is therefore a special place that wants to become a cultural workshop, where not only the visual arts, but a multiplicity of disciplines and actors will find space. A workshop that will try to provide answers to the essential question: how will we inhabit the world? The theme, as we said, has to be approached from multiple domains: the scientific one, but also the creative one. Art has a very important role in all this, because it represents the identity foundation of a society. Without culture, identity is not created. OCA wants to inspire reflection, research, it wants to be a self-generating place.

2023: the first season of OCA

The year 2023 was when the OCA Oasy Contemporary Art and Architecture project took shape. The first two artists called to investigate the relationship between man and nature within the immense green space of Oasi Dynamo were Italian photographer Massimo Vitali and Swedish artist David Svensson
From the former came the journey "La Grande Oasi. The way we live, now," a photographic exhibition created for OCA and curated by Giovanna Calvenzi, with a series of large shots that feature humans and the territory as protagonists, in a dialogue in which human presence is the very measure of the landscape.
Swedish artist Svensson, on the other hand, through his de-structured flags in the installation 'Home of the world' suggested to us a new way of 'inhabiting' nature, in which the environment is a home without boundaries, nor maps or distinctions. It is 'our' home that we do not own and in which we must learn to live in harmony. Two different perspectives, both capable of asking questions, leaving the visitor with the experience of an answer.

The exhibition space

OCA was born out of the renovation of what until recently was a huge barn.

La Grande Oasi. The way we live, now

Exhibition of Massimo Vitali

Home of the world

Artwork of David Svensson
Come raggiungerci